Its a cliche, that we often ignore the small and little things in our life, and tend to look for greater happiness..yet we all do it!!I had been doing that myself, till I realised that I was missing out on so much, and I never bothered to cherish these small memories!!!
So decided to remind myself of some such moments, which have had a great significance in my life...and I took so long to appreciate them.
Well, now who do I begin with ..guess Ma..I always felt bad whenever me and Ma argued a lot,and then I was flustered!! But I forgot about all those moments when we just chatted up, about any topic under the sun!! It was just wholesome fun. I remember one weekend afternoon, when my brother and father were away on a trip,and me and mom were alone..and I was generally feeling low, that none of my friends could not make it for a night out, as planned by me. So ma told me, that since I was not having the night out with my friends..lets do something different..why should we wait for the night to party, when we can party now...I didn't quite understand what she meant!! And voila, the vodka was out of the fridge and the music was on..we danced and we sang together and we drank....I was smiling again.I didn't realise how much that celebration meant to me, till very recently...how precious those moments shall always be for me. Love you!!
At 11pm, on a cold winter night in Kansas, I am hungry, even after having dinner outside..and i just mention that to my husband(i know, i am quite a nagging wife). The man is dog tired after not having even slept enough in the last 48 hours, for the sheer load of office work. He has already taken me out to the mall,and treated me to a Chinese dinner..he has done his share for the day. Well, he just gets up,and starts cooking spicy chicken ..all for me!!! That gesture was oh so sweet..maybe had it been earlier, I would not have understood the significance of this gesture, but now, with the first few greys sneaking into my hairline...I have learnt to appreciate the warmth and the love in such beautiful moments. I keep complaining about what he does not do, or all the ways he has hurt me, the wrongs he has done, maybe I do overlook, all the little things he does for me...I really want to make up for all of that. Well, at least he puts up with my eccentricities and all my mood swings,which I feel is quite an achievement on his part. I am not an easy soul to deal with, in the first place. Love you!!

I always tell her, I miss her.. be it when times are blue or when times are rainbow hued..I miss my Pranky!! She is always there for all my ramblings, be it any time of the day ..she is all ears for me, even if that means sneaking out of meetings to take my distress calls! I have great moments with her, all of which are precious to me, but whats very close to my heart, is what we did at her place one night. We had been to one of our favorite eating joints and eaten and drunk to our heart's content. However in the middle of the night, we wanted some more action, so we sneaked in to her kitchen and made green salad, and trust me, till date that remains one the best accompaniments with beer..A moment I shall cherish for a lifetime, the way we made that salad together,and the way we enjoyed ourselves.Love you!!
I was at the check-in desk of Lufthansa at IGI a few months back..I got a call from my Tung(another special childhood buddy, like Pranks) and her husband...and we just exchanged just about a few words, as I was having trouble locating my luggage from Jet Airways..and its the concern, the warmth and the love in Tung's voice, which saw me smiling all through the intercontinental flight amidst my stomach flu!!!! Love you!!
Ranjana ..or Ranju as I call her, my childhood best buddy..a friend whom i had thought, I had lost out on , who has made the best re entry in my life so far. One afternoon, Ranju dropped in at my in-law's place, when i was in kolkata, this summer. She told me over the phone that she was a bit disturbed, and so wanted to see me...and after she had left, having a spent a few hours with me, i realized that she was not the one who was disturbed..she knew what I was going through, and she wanted one afternoon of mine to be special, amidst all the blues, so this was her small effort to ensure that I was smiling at least that day!!! Love you!!
And there is someone else...another friend of mine-"A", who always tried in his own way to make things special for me..which I often did not realize..from telling me what to say on air, when I am super tired after a day long coverage.., to just being there for me...I just need to shout out to him, and he is there to deal with my demands..After having shifted to Kolkata, I had once been to Delhi for work. I just had about two hours to spare, and he decides to dump all his work, and take me out for a spin to one of my favorite places in the city, and drop me back in time for my flight. A friend who has always had the guts to tell me on my face, in the rudest of words, as when i have gone wrong!!! I appreciate all that you have done for me over the years. My guardian angel, almost!
My life would lose its half its charm if it did not have such and many more special moments from these lifelines of mine.
though a very personal piece of writing.. for the special ones in your life.. yet it touches a chord with everyone i guess.. thanks for reminding us the simple truth..
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